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MNP Debt Blog

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my 16 yr old daughter was left some property, if i declare personal backruptcy, can they take it awayy from her?

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I am going to be separating from my husband and I believe there is no other option than to declare bankrupcy due to our overwhelming debt. How do I go about doing this?

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I will owe the government about $150000 and have about 150000 in equity in my condo. I will not be able to make the payments to the government for taxes. Is my scenario a case for bankruptcy or does one have to sell the home?

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I am getting married in August and I am drowning in debt, both credit card and student loans. I also have a car loan. Is it better for me to do a bankruptcy or whatever needs to be done before I get married in a few weeks or to wait until after I'm...

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If the husband has filed bankruptcy, in Alberta, can the wife who lives with him apply for and receive a government grant for house repairs, while the husband is still in bankruptcy?...thankyou.

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I have a Tax credit debt for my old company 17 years ago. They are garnishing my wages now. I feel that this debt is not mine personnally. I was told to file Bankruptcy for this. please advise Thanks randell

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how much do you calculate in the budget after bankruptcy for housing costs for a family of 5. thanks ron

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I own a vehicle worth about $18000. I have a car loan with the vehicle as collateral. the balance owing is $22000. If i declare bankruptcy, will i lose the vehicle? Thanks for your advice DON

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Is it possible to file a partial bankruptcy to eliminate credit card debt only.

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Hi, I have a house that is mortaged to its value, a line of credit of #30,000, about $20,000 in credit card debt. My sources of income are a city pension and CPP disability. First question, if I go under, can they garnishee my pension or is that untouchable? Thanks...

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